Monday 9 May 2011

10 Motivational Quotes That Inspire You to Take Action

10 Motivational Quotes That Inspire You to Take Action

Anthony D Carter 

Motivational quotes can inspire you to do great things. If you have ever felt down and out before coming across an inspirational saying then you know what I mean when I say that motivation quotes can change your attitude instantly.

Inspirational quotes give you motivation to stay consistent in the pursuit of your dreams and goals.

It is a good practice to start collecting a huge reservoir of quality quotes that you can pick from when you find yourself in need of emotional uplifting. Your character and strength will improve from the constant association that you have with the written thoughts of successful people.

Whenever I get tired or weary in my journey I lean on inspirational quotes to pick me up. I gain wisdom and encouragement from them. Sometimes all we need is a saying or words of wisdom to reinforce or resolve to press on.

Here are ten great motivational quotes that are sure to inspire you to take action:

1- You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. ~Zig Ziglar.
2- Try not to become a man of success but a man of value. ~Albert Einstein.
3- Do the thing you are afraid to do and the death of fear is certain. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson.
4 -We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. ~ Aristotle.
5 -Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. ~Jim Ryun.
6- Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. ~Winston Churchill.
7- One learns by doing a thing; for though you think you know it, you have no certainty until you try. ~Sophocles.
8- People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily. ~Zig Ziglar.
9- Worry got us nowhere. What did? Action. ~Paul & Tracey McManus.
10- Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. ~William B. Sprague.

You can read these quotes and others like them to quickly change your perspective and improve your attitude throughout the day.

Motivation quotes can often make the difference between success and failure. You may want to give up or procrastinate in times of difficulty. But if you will take the time to reflect on an inspiring quote you will gain extra energy and enthusiasm to keep moving forward.

You can also use these quotes like affirmations. Read them daily and dwell on the meaning that they provide to you. Link the uplifting message to what ever situation that you may be facing. Affirm that you are improving and growing stronger every day.

You will find that you belief, confidence and motivation increase in direct proportion to the amount of positive messages that you consistently reflect on.

And now I would like to invite you to claim your free access to my special report "Motivation Keys" by going to [

From Anthony D. Carter - a leading expert on motivation.

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Ten Daily Success Habits Help You Finish Projects, Get Work Done and Take Action Toward Your Goals

Ten Daily Success Habits Help You Finish Projects, Get Work Done and Take Action Toward Your Goals

Nancy T. Mindes 

Do you want to successfully complete projects? A lot of people say they do and then they don't do anything to make them happen. Being successful at whatever you choose to do is really an inside job.

Do you want more money, love, and joy in your life? You must be in action to get what you want.

Whether it's a home makeover, starting a small business or planning a big event (like a wedding perhaps?), successful execution depends on taking at least one daily action step toward the goal you have set for yourself. (You do have a goal, right?)

If your office is in your home this presents an even bigger challenge for being successful at whatever project you are working on.

Distractions are everywhere. The refrigerator. The laundry. Facebook. Email., text messaging and walking the dog can easily take you away from the important tasks at hand.

Do not allow that to happen or you will never accomplish anything. Stay focused.

Here are Ten Daily Success Habits both my clients and I use to jumpstart our intentions and accomplish something each day. The more you choose to use them, the more you will get done, the more success you will achieve.

Develop a routine. Ask yourself, "What is my working style?" Do you prefer to work in the morning, the evening or in small increments throughout the day? Make appointments with yourself. Put them in your calendar. If you only have time for one action step per day schedule it and stick with it.

Start your day with a smile. Wake up and be grateful for this day. Take a moment to stretch. Before you eat or drink anything, energize and alkalize your body with a cup of hot water with lemon.

Define your daily goal. Be clear about what you want to accomplish. Break big tasks into little actions. Taking one baby step is better than taking no steps.

Do only what you love to do or you will not do it. Delegate or dump anything that keeps you stuck in the land of excuses.

Train family members to respect your working time. Put up a note, lock the door or go to the library or Starbucks, if necessary.

Set yourself up. Do you tend to jump up and run to the refrigerator or down the hall for a tissue? Arm yourself with a no-excuses-supply of beverages, snacks, tissues,lip balm.

Make sure you have all the necessities you will need to get down to business and not have to keep jumping up, which is an avoidance tactic.

Work on a deadline. My clients and I use the timer system. If a task is expected to take 30 minutes, set your timer and go. By doing this you will stay on task and learn how long it takes to accomplish each task. Reset the timer until you have successfully completed your daily action step.

Buddy up. Got a tough task? Work with a friend, colleague or coach. Using the timer system when you buddy up helps to get tough tasks completed. Use a call and check in accountability system.

How this works is you and your buddy call each other for a 10 second touch base call when you start and a call to let your buddy know when you finish. A phone call is more powerful here than a text because of the human voice connection factor. Make the call.

LOVE your work environment. This seems like a no-brainer but make sure where you work is a place you want to be. Surround yourself with things that inspire you. Have a great chair like the Balance Ball© Chair system. You can take breaks and get a good stretch.

Celebrate your success each day. At the end of the each day write down 5 things you did today that moved your project forward. Reward yourself by taking some time to get outside, take a walk, connect with others. Recharge and get ready to begin again.

"Embrace responsibility. Most people run from responsibility-that's why they're broke. Rich people are willing to take on big responsibilities-that's why they're rich."

~T. Harv Eker

Want more? Get your success inside out special report and an opportunity to attend the Millionaire Mind Intensive at no charge.[]

Nancy Mindes is a trained professional Attraction Coach who has helped hundreds of clients since 2000.
She works with women who want to be audacious and bold, live rich, play big and do good. She is a Peak Potentials certified Train the Trainer motivational speaker and author.

Article Source: [,-Get-Work-Done-and-Take-Action-Toward-Your-Goals.

Learn Good Traits of Wealthy and Successful People.

Learn Good Traits of Wealthy and Successful People

Sharon R Chen 

There are a lot of wealthy and successful people in the world and some studies have shown that people who have gained wealth and success certainly share some common personality characteristics. These good traits inevitably lead them to great success and life fulfillment. Therefore, if you are gaining wealth and success, learning these good traits of wealthy and successful men can give you a great help. Below are some main traits shared by successful people.

Clear goals
Before doing anything, successful people always have clear goals. They always have clear vision and focus because they know that doing things blindly will not bring them success.

Wealthy and successful people can see new opportunities and challenges from ordinary things because they are creative. They always create opportunities, try things out and look for a better solution. When other people see problems or limitations, they can see opportunities.

Wealth and success are not easy to obtain. You will inevitably fail to gain wealth and success if you do not have a strong will. Wealthy and successful people always continue on and persevere through whatever lies ahead and they are not afraid of failure. They work on themselves and never quit until they succeed.

Successful people are always eager to learn new knowledge. They know that learning new knowledge and skills can aid in their success because success is not about doing repeated things, it is about applying new ideas in new ways.

This is an outstanding characteristic of successful people. They all have high level of self belief and self-confidence. They believe in themselves and they always think they can do something extraordinary.

Motivation can not be obtained from other people, because it is something you can only find from yourself. With a good stream of motivation, you can get through some tough times. It is one of the most prized possessions and many successful people have it. From the studies we can see that successful people are all passionate about what they do.

Wealthy and successful men always know a lot of people and they value the relationships. They know that having a lot of friends can give them great help when they meet obstacles. Besides, they always surround themselves with the best people who can inspire them and give them good suggestions.

The above are seven good traits that can lead you to great   rel=nofollow wealth and success. After reading this article I hope you can make progress and succeed. is all about a book that teaches you how to gain wealth and success. It is an inspiring learning aid that will challenge you into immediate action and transforms the way you think about your life.

Author: Sharon R Chen

Sharon R Chen is an analyst who works on how to gain wealth and success. She has read and written a lot of articles about this topic. Sharon can be contacted via or her LinkedIn account.

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Never, Never GIVE UP!

Never, Never GIVE UP!

Dave Magrogan 

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream; not only plan but also believe." -Anatole France

I recently went to my high school reunion. It was great to see so many people and hear about their lives. Success comes in so many varieties. It was inspiring to hear some people living the lives of their dreams and see some people that were truly happy in their lives.

I was approached by so many old classmates who said they were proud of my business success, had seen me on TV, heard me on radio, read my book, or eaten at my restaurants. So many nice people came up to congratulate me and also to thank me for inspiring them and for giving back to my community. Many of my classmates remember me growing up lower middle class in a basement apartment and not having many opportunities in life. It felt really nice to hear genuine heartfelt positive comments from so many old friends who were inspired by success.

"Do what you can, with what you have, right where you are." -Theodore Roosevelt

What else I realized as a result of the reunion is that people remembered my successes and not my failures. The same is true of you. I have had many failures in my life and I will have many more. What inspires people is when you have the ability to get back up when you get knocked down, especially when you get knocked down really hard. One classmate commented that he used to love to eat at a restaurant I closed two years ago and was sorry it failed. I said I was sorry he didn't eat there more often! We both laughed and it put it all in perspective. 

If you can look at your failures, learn from them, be humble from them, and also even be able to laugh at yourself, that is success. Success is really moving from failures and setbacks towards your goals without losing your passion, enthusiasm, and momentum. If I want to be one of the most successful people in my field, then I will need to accept failures and I will need to fail more often. The same is true of YOU! If you are sitting on the bench right now, not getting into life, and not living your dreams, what are you scared of? Are you scared you are going to fail? Well you ALREADY are failing by not trying. 

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." -Thomas Edison

Going to a class reunion makes you realize how fast five, ten or even twenty years can go by. What did you think you were going to do in 10 years? Are you doing it? Are you living your dreams or are you sitting on the sidelines scared of what might go wrong or what people might think? Well, knock it off and get into the game! This is your life! Time passes by quickly, and only you can make your dreams happen. Nobody is going to do it for you. You need to lose the fear and start charging!

"Ninety nine percent of failures come from the people who have the habit of making excuses." -George Washington Carver

When you determine you have a passionate dream or goal, you need to make the firm decision in advance that you will never ever give up. Success is achieved through persistence, conviction and dedication to your dream. Never quit. Hang in there during the difficult times and eventually you will be successful.

You must have the courage to stay the course when things look their worst. It is then that you will overcome the most difficult obstacles. The more determined you are and the more persistent you are, the stronger your Rhino charge will be and nothing will stop you from reaching your goal. 

Don't let life pass you by. This is your life. Live your dreams and goals, and charge towards your goals everyday.

Post this poem on persistence on your office wall, your dorm room, or your refrigerator. It will keep you charging!

Don't Quit!
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
For life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns, 
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won if he'd stuck it out.
Success is just failure turned inside out, 
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt.
And you never can tell how close you are, 
It may be near when it seems so far.
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things seem worst that YOU MUST NOT QUIT!

Dave Magrogan is the CEO of Kildare's Irish Pubs, Doc Magrogan's Oyster House, Two Men and a Truck Moving Company, and Rhino Living Consulting and Training Group. By clearing the mental clutter, using his subconscious mind, applying the "Laws of the Jungle" and setting big, audacious "Rhino" goals, he has built a 20 million dollar empire in just a few short years! Visit the Rhino Living web page at to find out how Rhino Living can help you!

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Women and Dating

Women and Dating

Phyllis Klein 

Is dating confusing for you? How do you find safety? How do you keep your self esteem high?

If you are just beginning to date for the first time, newly single, long-term single, or somewhere in between, there are many facets of dating that can be both exciting and challenging. For example, when to have sex? And what does "having sex" actually mean to you? Do you want to be friends first and leave all physical contact for after you get to know the person or go with the flow of expressing your sexuality as you choose to? Or, how do you decide something that is in between these two? How has this worked out for you? What about all the physical complications and what about birth control? 

Besides all the questions above, there is also the question of attraction. How does attraction work? Why do you keep meeting the same "type" of person even if he/she is not working out in the long run? How important is the physical side of things for you? How much do you worry about your own looks? 

For straight women, it can feel like men have the advantage in the dating world. Women often wonder why the man didn't call back, even after a very nice time. Women worry about how much to call, how assertive to be, how to get the man's attention. On the other hand, some women find it hard to be friendly with men because of the unwanted aggressive attention that comes with that. 

For gay women, it can be hard to find comfortable ways to meet other women, and to have privacy in an often interconnected world where many of the people you might be interested in have already been involved with you or each other! 

Amidst all the personal considerations, I believe a touchstone to continuously return to is how to find safety for yourself and how to keep your own self esteem intact. What do safely and self esteem mean to you?

More on sexuality

I wonder how women are deciding about when and how to be sexual when they are dating. It seems to run the gambit from no physical contact and "just friends" until you feel you know the person well, to intercourse at the first date or at a party. Here are a few guidelines that might help you decide what feels right to you:

1. Consider how you think and feel about your sexuality. Are you able to enjoy yourself or do you feel inhibited, shy, or ashamed? Do you find yourself worrying about how your body looks so that you are self conscious and not able to let go and relax? 

Sexuality combined with anxiety is usually not very satisfying. Sometimes women who feel anxious about sex use alcohol or drugs to help calm down and let go. Although it can seem to be helpful, there are risks associated with using substances to relieve anxiety. It is important to recognize what you are doing and think honestly about whether it is working well for you.

2. Consider how far you want to go in a sexual encounter. You may feel pressure from your date or more generally from our culture to have intercourse or oral sex. However, there is something to be said for kissing and cuddling. Sex is not only about the "end result" but also the sharing of intimacy and emotional connection. If you feel pressure to go further and you are not sure you want to, I believe it is perfectly legitimate to want a partner who will accept and respect your decisions especially when you are dating and getting to know each other. 

3. In high school and college these days there are risks that are important to understand and protect yourself from. Kelci Lynn in her article, "College Dating, 10 tips for dating safety" has some great ideas for taking care of yourself. Her main point is to have contingency plans in case you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. Some of these include letting someone else know where you are going and when you plan to return, going out with a group, being careful not to drink too much, watching your drink to make sure it doesn't get spiked, and having cell phone contact with a friend who can rescue you from a bad situation.

It is unfortunate that women are thinking more and more about strong protections in the world of dating. It's important not to feel too discouraged.

If you do want to be sexual and don't have a steady boyfriend, how do you feel after sex with people you don't know well? It is important to be able to distinguish between the need to have sexual encounters because you feel lonely, insecure, or social pressure to act a certain way, and engaging in sexual activities because you enjoy it and can make sure you are safe and respected. Remember, it is perfectly okay to say "no" at any point. If you find that you are unable to stop yourself from having sex with people when you really don't want to, that may be a time to get some help, possibly therapy, about this.

Many women prefer to know the person they are being intimate with. This adds to the safety and mutual respect of the experience. I would also recommend some discussion about history, physical and sexual. This can feel extremely uncomfortable, but not impossible! Remember that not all sexually transmitted diseases can be prevented by using condoms! 

It may feel like dating has become a minefield of danger and complication these days. It is important not to give up on figuring out what you want for yourself to stay safe and have positive experiences. It is also very important to learn how to forgive yourself if you had a bad experience or an STD scare and to learn from that experience. And of course, it is also important to have a trusted method of birth control in place.

When to start over with someone else

If you are single and looking for a partner, it can be very hard to know when to continue seeing someone and when to move on to someone else. A big part of this difficulty can be the fear that there will not be anyone else if you let go of the person you are with.

What can help you decide if you are investing in someone who is not right for you? As a start, ask yourself, does this person have personal qualities I respect and value aside from money or looks. Does he/she listen to my concerns and make an effort to meet me half-way when conflicts arise? Do they show signs of addictive behavior without any desire to address this? Do I ever feel afraid that the person would physically hurt me? 

Although of course no one is perfect, certain behaviors/problems can cause serious relationship problems. However, if you are tired of looking for someone, have had a history of relationship disappointments, or feel wowed by someone physically, it can be tough to decide to turn away from them or return to single life that seems so much more difficult than having a partner.

Although women have many more freedoms and rights in our society currently, there are still ways that women can feel "less than" men. If a woman wants to be in a relationship and doesn't find someone, she can easily feel there is something "wrong" with her. It can feel like the whole world is in a couple except for you. And the pressure to find someone can be very intense. 

How to cope with the pressures of dating

Feeling secure on your own is the best way to cope with the pressure to find a partner. Once you are in a relationship, it is very helpful to feel like you could survive a break-up and continue to have a meaningful life. If you find someone you are very drawn to, the fear of loss can be very anxiety producing. Learning how to have a good life as a single person is recommended. 

It is helpful to work with yourself about what other people think of you. It is so easy to worry and project that others think you are a failure or that something is wrong about you. How can you soothe yourself, believe in yourself more, and learn how to turn what seems like failure into learning experience? There may not seem to be an easy way to do this. One suggestion is to understand and discover how you feel about making friends, both with yourself and with others. It may sound trite, but John Gottman, a noted marriage therapist and relationship researcher says that one of the most important parts of an intimate relationship is the friendship of the partners.

If you find that you have good friends, both male and female, it is important to give yourself credit and find optimism for yourself. If you need help to have more friends, this is a goal you can work on. Even if you experience shyness, have had rejection, or difficult endings with friends, it is never too late to examine how you are in relationships with others and find ways to improve. 

Finally, even with all the complexity, anxiety, and personal challenges, dating can still be fun. Intimate personal contact with other human beings is a big part of the joy of life. However, romantic fantasies can cause emotional pain and stress if you are not prepared to do the emotional work that relationships inevitably bring. Self knowledge and awareness, finding ways to like and enjoy yourself, and the ability to say "no" when you need to, are all important parts of finding the right relationship for you. And then there is the magic of connection and attraction. Enjoy yourself and stay safe.

Phyllis Klein is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with private practices in San Francisco and Palo Alto, CA. She specializes in working with eating disorders and recovering from childhood abuse. In addition, Phyllis is a Certified Poetry Therapist with the ability to use writing and poetry for healing in the therapeutic process.

You can reach Phyllis through her website: .

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25 Questions That Every Woman Should Ask A Man:

25 Questions That Every Woman Should Ask A Man: Essential Dating Advice For Women

James Perdue Scott 

You may not realize it, but there are certain things which a woman should ask a man in order to set the pace, boundaries, and direction of a relationship. Women, who fail to ask the right questions, always end up getting strung along in a relationship.

A woman, who gets strung along, generally finds that a guy does whatever he wants, when he wants without much consideration of her wants or desires.

But that's because she never clarified or asked, so he thinks everything is fine and that she is happy, because she isn't saying otherwise; and goes after his own desires. This would mean that men, who want to use women, end up doing it; and men who want to take women for granted, end up doing it etc...

This is why it's extremely important to ask the right questions early on, so that you don't throw yourself into a vicious cycle where a man uses you like a door mat. Moreover, the questions you ask help you direct him into knowing what exactly it is that you want, and help a man give you what you want.

Here are the 25 questions which every woman should ask a man:

1. What are your personal goals?- You SHOULD know what it is that he wants to do outside of a relationship, because he is going to want to do them. Most women get in the way of a man's personal goals, because they want all of his goals to involve her. Accept that not all of his goals involve you, as they were formed before you...and some simply will not involve you regardless.

2. What was your childhood like?- Knowing a man's childhood is like being given a key to understanding everything he is about, because it will explain why he is the way he is. This is something every woman should know from top to bottom.

3. What are your insecurities? - These little devils will pop up out of nowhere if you don't ask and don't get clarification. When they do surface, they usually ruin and destroy everything good, so it's something you MUST discuss and find out early on, so that you know how to handle it or you are aware that it's just insecurity when it surfaces.

4. What career path are you interested in? - This is a direction every woman should be aware of, because it could involve him moving away, or having to spend a lot of time at work etc...

5. What do you expect from a relationship? - Not everyone's idea of a relationship is the same. It's good to clarify this early on and figure out what a relationship really is to him.

6. What do you want out of life? - This encompasses everything he expects to accomplish out of life, if that includes his career, a family, financial success etc... in essence, it's all of the major goals he has for himself until he dies.

7. What can't you stand? - Imagine if you spent your entire time doing everything he hates, because he never tells you? This is how 99.9% of relationships are, and it's why they fail, because women never actually know that it is that they are doing wrong, and they never find out what it is that their man actually can't stand. It's good to know his boundaries here.

8. Do you want children? - Some couples never discuss this, so when one of the partners declares they'd like kids, they are shocked and torn apart when they realize their partner never did. If you want children, and even if you don't you need to ask him if that's something he is looking forward to or not.

9. What were your past relationships like? - A person's relationship past can show you patterns in their personality. It is also good to know, to find out if a man still hasn't moved on, if they have baggage, if they are the cheating type etc... which is not something you want to find out later.

10. What attracts you to women? - A general question that goes beyond the superficial. Everyone has their unique idea of an ideal partner; it is good to know what is actually ideal and attractive to a man in the first place.

11. What expectations do you have on yourself? - A man's expectations on himself will rub off onto everyone else that he encounters, if they don't fall into those expectations; but more importantly, a man's expectations of himself can determine his reactions and actions toward many things.

12. What are your views on spirituality? - Religion matters to some, to others it does not. However, it is important to find out if it does matter to your partner, and where they stand on it, and if they can accept you into their life with the beliefs they have.

13. What do you expect from a partner? - What does he want from you? What does he need? What things are the most important to him, from a woman? What kinds of things is he looking for from his partner?

14. Describe your family and friends? - Who are they, what are they about, how does the family function, what kinds of relationships are there etc...? All of this shaped who he is today, and may shape his ideas on the kind of relationship he wants. Get to know his family and friends.

15. What do you think about marriage and commitment? - We are coming to an era where people are evenly drawn between marriages and simply dating. Some believe it's better to date and stay in a long term relationship without marriage, because they believe things are fine as they are. Others believe marriage is the way. Some men, on the other hand only believe in short term relationships. It is good to know where he stands on the subject, so that you can clarify where you stand.

16. What is your sexual history? - It is good to know what a partner's sexual history was, for obvious safety reasons (STD's); but also to understand how your partner views sexuality and intimacy to begin with.

17. What role does a woman play in a relationship? - Find out what purpose he believes you would fulfill in a relationship with him. For instance, some men think that a woman should not work, is that something he believes should be your role?

18. What is your financial situation? - Regardless of whether or not you are financially independent, you should know this. Finances support a person's way of life, so you should be aware on a general level of his financial standing; because financial problems and even success can bear a lot of stress or problems for a man.

19. What is your stance on intimacy and sex? - When does he think it is alright to initiate intimacy? What kinds of fantasies or desires does he have in that area? What does he expect?

20. What is loyalty to you? - Does he believe in monogamy? What is his idea of loyalty? What kind of loyalty does he expect?

21. How do you define love? - Some men may not believe in it, others may think it's the only way. Some may say its conditional, others say it's unconditional. It's good to know how a man defines love, because that sets the emotional pace for the relationship.

22. What are your worst life experiences? - Knowing where a man came from and how he overcame it can show you where he plans on going in the future. Also, there could have been life changing events, traumatic events, etc... which you should be aware of, because those can affect him now depending on the severity.

23. What are your successes? - What are his best experiences, what has he accomplished? These are things he has worked on, and can show you where his interests lie, but also HOW he tackles things and how he wins.

24. What are your worst fears? - To some, it could be commitment; to others it could be bankruptcy. You should know what kinds of things hold him back, or make him those can get in the way of everything if they surface or become triggered. Remember they are his WORST fears.

25. What do you want to know about me? - Sometimes a man won't ever ask things, because he doesn't feel the floor is open to ask. Let him know that he can ask you anything, and be open to his questions without judging them or criticizing the things he is asking. This question is important to let a guy know that he CAN get to know you and CAN know the things he wants to, and there are most definitely things he wants to know.

A woman who understands a man, is a woman who will always know EXACTLY what to do in any situation. I have taken the time to break down a man's mind clearly so that women can use the information to drastically improve their dating life. Read it all here - []Click Here

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Why Do Men Just Disappear?

Why Do Men Just Disappear?

Thomas Christopher 

If your man suddenly just disappears, you start thinking: Hey, even the busiest man in the world, US president Barack Obama, finds time for his wife and kids, and this guy can't find time for me? Can my man be busier than the President? It doesn't matter what reasons he gives you, he is showing how little commitment he actually has. Men show their love by their actions. If he really loved you, he'd find time; if he doesn't find the time, you're well rid of him.

All these feelings aside, it is worth looking at some specific reasons why men just disappear. Recognizing some may help you change the situation. Others may help you accept it.

You try to control him

You've become very possessive, expecting so much from him, and demanding he do this and that. When a man feels like he can't do anything without your permission, he knows that he will never be happy as long as he is with you. When a woman tells a man that she won't have sex unless she is positive that the relationship is going somewhere, he is driven away. She is using sex to try to manipulate him.

He is only in it for sex

Some men only want sex. Although not all men are like this, many of them are. They stick because they want your body, but when you become too serious about the relationship, they're done and onto the next victim. This is one reason why men just disappear.

There is another woman

If a man suddenly just disappears from a steady relationship, it is probably for someone else. That someone may be more important than you, for example a best friend whom he really loves, an ex girlfriend whom he still loves, or simply a new one he's interested in.

He feels like he doesn't deserve you

He may feel he would want you for a wife, but he isn't able to support a family yet. He may grow to see you as a woman with whom to have a serious relationship, and he may not feel he can maintain a serious relationship. If he feels he doesn't deserve you, it may be a matter of bad timing -- men can quite suddenly come to see themselves as ready for marriage, and until then it seems impossible for them.

He's expecting more than a dinner date and a goodbye kiss

Why do men just disappear after all those romantic dinners, hugs, and kisses? One big reason is that the steps of intimacy have ended far short of intercourse. How can a man possibly spend for all those elegant dinners and expensive gifts if there's nothing in return? Although men are not exclusively interested in sex, it is a item. Sex is not only a source of pleasure, but typically a man's only path to human intimacy. If he cannot fulfill his intimacy needs in one relationship, he will be driven to fulfill them elsewhere.

If men keep disappearing, give it some thought. Maybe you are making it hard for the man to stay, or maybe you are starting up relationships with men who are not prepared for commitment.

For more on whether it is [].

Thomas Christopher is a Colorado public speaker and trainer.

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5 Factors to Determine If You Are in the Right Relationship

5 Factors to Determine If You Are in the Right Relationship

Paul Lindquist 

Is there a way to determine if you are in the right relationship? Did you make an error by reconciling with your ex, but you're not yet aware of it? Many times following a separation, you are lonely and all you want is to get back with your ex. Then, after you are back with them, you start to wonder if you are in the right relationship.  

Since you can't predict the future, there's no way of knowing for sure that this person is best for you in the long run. You can, however, figure out if you are in the right relationship right now. 

This may or may not translate into long-term relational success, but at least you can know if you are currently in the right place. 

The following questions will help you decide if you are in the right relationship at this time:

1. Does your partner make you happy? This is not to say that you need to be jumping for joy every five seconds, but are you generally content when you are around this person? If you can answer yes to this question, that is a good first step. 

2. When feelings of sadness or doubt come up, what triggers them? Is it more because of your desire to be with someone else, or is it because of anxiety that you may lose the person you are currently with?  If your doubt and sadness is connected to feelings of anxiety about losing the one you are with, this is another good sign that you are in the right relationship. If you often feel sadness and doubt because you are preoccupied with someone else, then you may need to re-think the relationship you are currently in. 

3. Do you have a general feeling of safety with your partner in this relationship? In other words, are you certain that your partner would never harm you either physically or emotionally? Also, do you feel safe in the overall relationship-that you don't need to constantly worry about a break up?

It is important that you feel reasonably safe in your relationship. Of course, we can never know for sure what other people will do in any given situation, but you should know your partner well enough to be able to trust that he/she will not hurt you. Otherwise, you need to again question if you are in the right relationship.

4. Along these same lines, do you trust your partner not to cheat on you? This is a big one. Cheating is obviously one of the greatest killers of relationships. Do you find yourself constantly worried about your partner cheating, or do you feel secure that he/she is fully committed to you alone?

If you do worry a lot about your partner cheating when they are apart from you, this is clearly a problem. What you need to figure out is if your lack of trust in this area is well-founded, or do you just worry too much because you love him/her and are afraid of a break up?  

If you find that your partner has never done or said anything that should make you suspicious, but you still worry a lot about them cheating, you need to try very hard to correct this behavior. It is likely that you are in the right relationship, but your unfounded worries about cheating will cause needless problems down the road, so you best deal with them now. 

5. The final factor to determine if you are in the right relationship is;does your partner make you feel special?  What are his/her priorities? Would he/she rather spend time with you, or his/her friends? When your partner is with you, is he/she paying attention to you, or is his/her mind somewhere else? You should be his/her priority in this relationship. If that is currently not the case, then you need to find out why and address this issue. 

So, if you can answer yes to these five questions, you are likely in a very good relationship. Though you may have doubts at times, and your situation may change through the course of time, it is safe to say that you are in the right relationship at this time.

Discover more about how to know if you are   in the right relationship and get a FREE report to determine if your relationship is worth saving at

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