Monday 9 May 2011

Dating Tips For Men - The "Don'ts" On First Meeting With Women

Dating Tips For Men - The "Don'ts" On First Meeting With Women

Terry L F 

Finding a date can be very easy, but there are some remedies that you should keep in mind while dating. Here are some interesting "don'ts" on a date for you to save you from any shameful act later.

Don't act curious and inquisitive on your first date. It's better to spare some topics for the second meeting also.
Don't carry a negative attitude and pass comments on everything. It might just take the spark away all at once.
Don't be over-confident about everything. Give a fair chance to your date also to voice her opinion.
Don't talk too much and show interest in listening to the girl as well. Remember, girls like to be treated equal.
Don't carry i-know-it-all attitude. You may actually know nothing.
Don't get drunk on your date as it spoils the whole fun.
Don't say everything about yourself on the first date. It can ruin the dating atmosphere in first go.
Ensure your safety on a date by informing your friends and parents of where you'll be. First dating should be done on well-known public place.
Don't date married people. Don't be a shoulder for the other person.
Don't disclose all your contact details on your first date itself. It might land you into a big trouble.
Don't carry your friends and relatives on a date, if you both have decided to meet alone. It might be an embarrassing situation for both.
Don't talk loudly or laugh loudly in order to attract attention. It may put the person off completely.
Don't be reserved or quite as you have to decide soon whether the second meeting is desired or no.

Don't engage yourself in your phone, chatting with some third person or some reading material. It shows that you avoiding the opposite person.
Don't dress heavily or very casually as it's still your first face-to-face meeting.
Don't come in late and delay the dating further.
Avoid getting into any kinds of arguments or debates as everybody has their own opinions.
Don't buy any expensive gifts just to get that attention. You may not be interested in the person for the second time.
Don't force her into any kind of drinks or food which she may not like. Give space for her own likes and dislikes.
Don't fall for everything that your girl is talking about. Don't get carried away with her decisions and actions.

The above "don'ts" on a date should always be followed to make it a successful one. To add up all, good manners and to be updated with the current topics will surely help you to avoid any kind of shame later. Effective dating has never come easy for anyone, especially the first timers. But you have got to learn the art of dating. It has to be a very positive experience which should surely give you another chance of dating the same girl again. You should never act curious or inquisitive but just a simple, caring and a funny guy should make you a winner!! If you do it well, it will be easy to get down quickly.

There is an ebook that cover more []tips and techniques for dating

Click on the link to find out how you can it can help you to []get a date.

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