Saturday 7 May 2011

What is the Benefit of Water For Weight Loss?

What is the Benefit of Water For Weight Loss?

Michele T. 

Can water help you to lose weight? I believe so.

Our bodies send out hunger signals when we are thirsty, or when our bodies' water supply needs replenishing. All food contains liquid to varying degrees, so if you are confusing thirst with hunger and reaching out for things like muffins and cakes instead of a glass of water, you will end up eating more to satisfy your body's thirst, and that will lead to weight gain.

If in doubt, drink a glass of water first.

Water also helps to flush your system out, and plays a vital part in preventing constipation; it also hydrates your skin and increases your metabolism.

So how much water should you drink?

The eight glasses a day theory has no real scientific base - it was probably meant as a good starting point, as each person's requirements depends on body weight, activity levels and where you live. Here is a formula though, that will give you a good estimate on how much to drink:

Take your body weight and divide it by 16, and you will know how many 8 ounce glasses of water you should drink. For example : If you are 160lbs, you should drink 160÷16 = 10 (8 ounce) glasses of water per day.

When is a good time to drink water?

* First thing in the morning, drink at least 2 glasses of water in one straight go. Build it up to 3 glasses if you can. This will really kick start your metabolism and flush your system out.
* 15 - 30 minutes before a meal. Drink a big glass of water before eating and it will help curb the confusing signals your body sends out when it is thirsty. The result will be that you will eat less too.
* Try and drink a glass of water every two hours after meals. For example, if you finish lunch at 2:00pm, drink a glass of water at 4:00pm, then another at 6:00pm.

If you do sports, you should also make sure your body is adequately hydrated at all times. (If you have any medical conditions, taking certain types of medication or pregnant, consult your doctor).

Now another benefit of water is to actually get into it.

Yes, swimming and aqua-aerobics is perfect for weight loss. You do not hurt your joints, your muscles work against natural resistance and you can build up your heart rate doing laps.

So drink it, but also get into it. It truly benefits your body both inside and out.

Pure water is the best drink for our bodies. Often times, it is the simplest things that are the best for us. Visit my blog at and download a fun weight loss report written by my two dogs: 

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