Wednesday 4 May 2011

How to Attract Money Using the Power of Your Mind

How to Attract Money Using the Power of Your Mind
By Kayode Odusanya

Your mind is like a magnet, and it attracts that which you feed it. I think I can stop right there and live you to fill in the gaps. What I mean is that, since your mind is like a magnet, all you have to do is to think of money flowing to you endlessly, and that is exactly what would happen to you. It is so easy that it becomes hard for a lot of people to do.

I would like to further explain what I am proposing for better understanding- It is said in the bible, "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he". This is the bane of the power of your mind to attract whatever you want. I am sure the last sentence has given you an understanding of why your mind is like a magnet.

As you are reading the words in this third paragraph, your mind is still pondering on the thoughts of what I wrote in the two paragraphs above; that shows just how powerful your mind is. Since you are reading this article not to be amazed at the power of your mind, but to put it to use, I am going to help you out with understanding just that. What you need to do is think like a kid in the sense of believing in fairy tales. If you do not do this, your conscious mind would keep alerting you on how hard things are in the country, and that is just what your mind would keep attracting towards you. From this moment, I want you to carry out a 2 week test; feed your mind with only possibilities of what you want, never focusing on what you do not want, and before the end of the 2 weeks, you would be astonished at how things would change in your life.

 What you want is money, so what you should do is to feed your mind with all the good things in life you can buy with money. Night and day, visualize yourself in possession of lots of money, spending and buying all the good things you have always dreamed about. This exercise is to change the way you see money- which might be in the light that money is hard to come by.

The next step is to be sure of the exact amount of money you want and when you want it. You also need to have a reason why you want that amount of money. So, if it is a thousand dollars you want to attract; write it on a piece of paper like this- "I Kayode Odusanya bought a motorcycle of a $1,000 on May 9th 2011". Of course you replace my name with yours. Write it on a piece of paper you can carry around, and look at it several times during the day. Read the affirmation aloud just before you go to bed, and first thing when you wake up in the morning. Keep this up, for it is consistency that would do the magic.

The second step is for you to go along your daily routine, with a mind like you have already received what you are wanting. Be in the mood of how you would be if you already possessed what you want to use the money for. Wake up every morning with a smile on your face like you know the money is on its way; and constantly say out loud "I am grateful for the $1,000 that is on the way".

The last step is to be on the look-out for the money. It can come in any way, so do not limit the power of your mind. And one more thing, do not think of how it would come to you, your work is just to focus on the end result. Your conscious mind is limited in ways you can get that money, but your subconscious mind is limited. The last time I put this to work, the $600 I was trying to attract came through a man I had helped with $10 just the day before You might have to do a simple job for the money, or it might just come as a gift; whichever way it comes, you would recognize the fact that you attracted the money using the power of your mind.

Kayode Odusanya is a writer in the niche of self improvement. He has been writing articles for years in his country Nigeria, to help uplift the countless citizens living below the poverty level. For more of his works, head over to
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