Saturday 7 May 2011

The Health Benefits of Water

The Health Benefits of Water

Jim Plummer 

There are several health benefits of water, and your body needs an adequate supply of water in order to function properly.

The human body is anywhere from 55% to 78% water depending on age, gender and amount of body fat, and it's essential to human life. Water forms the basis for all fluids in the body, such as blood and digestive juices, and it's the catalyst in all metabolic functions throughout the body.

Your body is dynamic and always changing, and this is especially true with regard to water in your body. You lose water routinely when your body performs normal functions such as breathing, sweating and eliminating waste. In a typical day, you need to consume a substantial amount of water to replace this routine loss.

Here are the primary health benefits of water:

*Prevents dehydration.
*Removes toxins and waste products from the body.
*Carries nutrients to the cells of the body.
*Regulates vitamin and mineral metabolism.
*Is a natural appetite suppressant.
*Helps the body metabolize stored fat.
*Enhances digestion and helps prevent constipation.
*Can often reduce joint pain and back pain.

The first benefit is especially important because mild to moderate dehydration is actually a very common problem. Mild to moderate dehydration can cause fatigue, muscle weakness, poor concentration, headaches and dizziness. Many people who suffer from one or more of these ailments have no idea that dehydration is the cause, and that getting relief is as simple as consuming more water.

It's commonly said that you should drink eight glasses of water a day to stay healthy, but this is just a general rule. The amount can vary widely from person to person depending on factors such as age, physical condition, activity level and climate. If you drink enough water so you rarely feel thirsty (by the time you become thirsty it's possible to already be slightly dehydrated) and you produce urine that's clear or light yellow, your water intake is most likely adequate.

You also need to make sure that the water you drink is as clean as possible. This is why I recommend drinking filtered water instead of tap or bottled water. Tap water often contains lead and trace amounts of toxins, and there's also the risk of bacterial contamination. Bottled water is less strictly regulated than tap water. Companies that sell bottled water do not have to divulge to consumers the water's source, how it has been purified, and what chemical pollutants it may contain. Also, all plastic bottles leach plastic byproducts, like phthalates and BPA, into the water. Using a water filter is the only way to ensure that the water you drink is clean and contaminant-free.

In conclusion, don't underestimate the health benefits of water. Drinking plenty of good, clean water is an easy and effective way to boost your health.

For information about the   best water filter on the market, visit

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