Saturday 7 May 2011

How To Choose The Right Man For Marriage

How To Choose The Right Man For Marriage
Tochi Uche 

Know what you want in a man: If you want to have a happy marriage relationship, you have to be clear about the kind of person you want to marry. Knowing the kind of man you want to get married to would help you to recognize him when you meet him. When you are not clear about the kind of man you want to get married to, you may end up making the wrong choice. Wrong choice is the reason many people are not happy in their marriage, which results in the high rate of divorce cases today. 

Be whom you want as a woman: You can only attract who you are into your life. If you are an unfaithful person, don't expect faithful men to be attracted to you. Likewise if you are a dishonest person, don't expect honest men. So work on your self to become more like the kind of man you want to get married to. Your fantasies will not become real until you take real actions to make yourself attractive to the kind of man you want.

Your inner qualities are as important as your outer qualities. Men would be attracted to you because of your outer qualities such as physical beauty, but if they don't find the inner qualities they want, they would definitely leave you. It's important that you become whom you want on the inside as well as the outside. It is your outer qualities that attract men to you, but it's your inner qualities that would keep them to you. 

It is your inner qualities that makes you who you are- your personality. It is your inner quality that makes you different from other beautiful ladies. If you have a lot of men coming around you, that does not mean they interested in having a lasting marriage relationship with you. They may be attracted to you because of your outer beauty and may only be interested in satisfying their sexual urge. If you don't give them what they want, majority of them will fizzle out. On the other hand if you are foolish enough to give them what they want, you will be sad sooner or later to realize that most of them want to enjoy the good sex that you can give them, but not you personally. Not your personality. You can't build a happy marriage just on sex. After sex, what next? You must posses the inner qualities that can make your man happy. The good thing is that these inner qualities can be cultivated if you expose your self to the right kind of information.

Men who are attracted to your inner qualities may be fewer in number. They are the ones who will be patient enough to study you and know what you are worth. Your outer beauty is important, but your inner quality is the real foundation of the love and understanding that can make your marriage a happy experience.

You can buy this e-book titled: You Can Have A Happy Marriage at

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