Thursday 31 March 2011

Sell Your Car To Raise Money For A New One.

Sell Your Car To Raise Money For A New One
By Paul James Harrison

When you realize that walking, riding your bike or traveling by tram or by train to work no longer satisfies you, it's probably high time you got your own car. If you're a man, buying your own car is a dream came true. You will surely enjoy deciding what type of car you will purchase, how much bhp it should have, what extras you need on it, etc. If you are a woman, you probably have different criteria for choosing a car. The color, the size, the bag space are the most important. If you are a mother, the space for children is definitely the key problem.

In case you already own an old car, selling it in order to raise money for a new one would be a good idea. We all know that sometimes used cars create more problems than the benefits they bring, as one may end up wasting a lot of money on repairs. Therefore, the perfect solution would be to sell the old car and thus partially finance the new one, so as to offer yourself more comfort, actually thus save money, not to mention that in this way you will have fewer technical problems.

Of course, on the other hand, selling the old car will not bring enough money to buy a new one, in most cases. That's why a perfect solution is a vehicle leasing contract, no matter if we speak of a van, small car, etc. You can use as down payment the money obtained from selling the old car and get a loan under the form of a leasing for the rest of the car value. You would thus pay less interest, by borrowing only a part of the car price.

Of course, you can buy the car cash, but in this case you will block a considerable amount of money into a car, instead of investing it into something else. Therefore, a leasing contract will allow you to manage easier your monthly income, not to mention that it will offer you the luxury of enjoying a new car, without having to worry about technical details or about your monthly income.

All in all, a used car could be cheaper when buying it and may appear as a means of saving money on the short term. However, you would actually save money by buying a new car, as you will no longer have to repair it periodically, not to mention that the comfort and safety it offers are the most important benefits.

If you or your business require contract hire, car or van leasing and hire throughout the UK, then []vehicle leasing is the right choice for you.

Article Source: []


Be Careful of Your Thoughts - They Control Your Destiny
By Robert C. Jameson

"Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions. Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits. Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character. Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny." Chinese Proverb, Author unknown

Wonderful words from the past that are relevant to today's time and they deserve to be repeated. If we slow down and examine what was shared so many years ago, we'll discover that we were told how we can change or direct our destiny.

What we think often comes out of our mouth and into someone else's ears. Our words impact how we feel about our selves and they can impact how others think and feel. Words are symbols that communicate what's going on inside our heads to our selves and others. We share our fears, our sorrow, our joy, our love and our dreams with our words.

Our words create action. Our words can create intimacy or separation. With our words we can motivate ourselves to do things we never thought we could do, and our words can also move others to step forward into their own personal power so they can be of service to their community. Words can calm us or excite us. Words can actually change the direction of a nation. So watch what you think and be aware of the words that come from your thoughts, and the actions that follow your words.

A habit is an action we do regularly, often without thinking. It's just what we do. If we do an action and it feels good or we get the results we want, then we often repeat it over and over. Some habits are beneficial and some can be detrimental. If it's detrimental, it's usually called an addiction. If it's beneficial, it's called a good discipline. Our day is full of small little "habits" that we do unconsciously. Some of us are habitually tidy, or messy, or early, or late, or rude, or courteous, or happy, or angry. These are all habitual ways of being. So, our habits become who we are, or they become our character.

Others know us by our character. It's our stamp of individuality. It's all of our distinctive qualities. When we describe someone, we are describing the person's character. "He's a great guy!" "When I want something to be done right, I give it to her!" "When I'm around him, I watch my pockets, because he's always trying to get me to buy into a scheme" "When I think of her, a smile comes on my face and I just feel at peace." Our character comes from the thoughts and actions we do habitually through time.

The thoughts and actions we do habitually through time determines our destiny. If I think negative thoughts and if I am filled with judgments towards myself and others, my actions will follow my thoughts and I will get what I focus on. Most people will not want to be around me, because they don't like being judged and they don't like hearing me judge others. I will feel lonely and victimized, which will cycle around and around and in time my destiny will appear bleak. However, if I think positive thoughts and take positive actions toward my goals, my destiny can be one of joy and upliftment, with moments of gleefulness. I might fall and get a few bruises along the way, but if my habit is to get up one more time than I fall, my destiny will be one of success. People will want to be around me because of my positive thinking. They will want to know how I create so many wonderful things in my life. Because of my abundance and my generous character, I'll freely give the joy and love that percolates in my heart. Thus, by holding positive thoughts, habitually taking positive action, I create a character destined for upliftment.

As a licensed marriage and family therapist, Robert C. Jameson focuses on helping clients understand and overcome issues, such as anger, hurt, depression, anxiety, love, relationships, boundaries and limiting beliefs, to name a few. During his years of private practice, Mr. Jameson found it useful to give many of his clients "homework" in the form of handouts to support their work while in session. The Keys to Joy-Filled Living was born from his handout of tried and true exercises and techniques.

Article Source: []


Charles Lauste

Be positive: The first to step t being successful is being positive. You must have a positive outlook on life. If you constantly frowning and always thinking negative thoughts then that's all you will attract. On the other hand if you choose to set yourself with a positive attitude and stick with it.

Be on time: If you are expecting to be successful you must be on time. Being punctual is a skill that you must require. It's not rocket science by any means it just requires you to get more organized and stick to a set schedule.

Be prepared: You must be prepared! This carries on from the point above. You have to prepare yourself for the task in hand. An example is if you had a marathon to run, you would put n the time to train and prepare yourself for that marathon right? It's the same principles with being successful, you prepare yourself mentally and physically, you will see much more positive results if you are prepared.

Work a full day: Now I say work a full day, what I mean is dedicate bundles of energy in blocks of time on the task in hand. It sounds complicated but it's really simple. You just need to arrange you self and schedule yourself so that you can devote, 2 hours of complete energy on the task and blitz it. If you have to clean the house for instance, but you know you only have 3 hours to get done. Get on with it for as long as you can in those three hours. If you want to do some self-development, don't do it at work at lunchtime, make the time to sit down and read for 1 hour, 2 hours, however long you want, just set chunks of time to each task and pay massive attention to the task when doing so.

Know your demographics: It is important to know your demographics. This is where a lot of people fail in the business adventures. They fail to know the demographics, the people they are targeting. You must know exactly what and where you are trying to target, is it a certain age range? Female, male, Marriage status these are a couple of examples of demographics, the niggle bits of your market that you have to get to grips with. It represents a fundamental approach to the understanding of what and who you are relating to.

Maintain your positive state of mind: This is one the key points from the 8 steps to success. Maintaining you attitude is vita. If you can't get to grips with this step then I'm afraid to say you're in for a bumpy ride! You must remember that not every day is going to be Rosie and peachy with no errors or mistakes or unfortunate circumstances. The point is if you let these negative things spoil you attitude then they will. Block them out and maintain a positive attitude. If you walking you dog and it's raining, just by chance you step in some dog crap, it really puts the cherry on the cake I know! But try and put that feeling of anger and frustration aside and maintain your attitude. You have a nice dog witch you can walk with in fresh air, Focus on the positives not the negatives.

Know what you doing and why. It is so easy to get wrapped up in your work or your business that you can neglect the real reasons what you're working so hard. For instance if you are trying you hardest to have a successful company, one of the main reason behind that is so you and you family can financially set to do what you wish and not have to worry about money. If you work so hard all the time you will neglect you reason, you purpose, your motive. If you're working in a shitty job that you don't really like then think of your why, are you there for a reason, is it good money? If you why dost align with what you're doing then you need to change you plan.

Take Control. It is important that you take control of your life and you actions If it's at work, take control, don't let other people get ahead of you, your just as good, just need to take more control. If its sales you're working in, take control of the situation, don't be told what to do by the customer, take control of you future. You must recognize that you are the key holder for your own future; If you take control of you mind and you actions then you will succeed. People like confident people. Yes there are people out there that won't like you but so what, there are more people in the world that will like you than there are that won't.

Article Source: [


By-Joseph Kernozek

"If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it." - Jesse Jackson

About Jesse Jackson
Jesse Jackson was born on October 8, 1941 and is an American civil rights activist and Baptist minister. Rev. Jackson has participated in many activist marches and demonstrations over the past 45 years. He has given many speeches on civil rights both in the United States and around the world. He was also a presidential candidate in 1984 and 1988.

Conceive It
There are three parts to this motivational quote and each should be examined separately. The first is to conceive the idea, goal or dream. Most of us can easily recall the dreams of our childhood, but it is much harder to think of what we are working towards now. No matter what your age you should always have some goal or dream that you strive for.

If you cannot think of what you want out of your life off the top of your head (or even if you can) I suggest you sit down by yourself for a little while, take out a pen and paper and write down everything you've always wanted to do, no matter how silly it seems now. After you have written your list go back through it and circle the ones that you still want for yourself.

Believe It
The next part is believing. Believing in it involves more than just believing in the dream itself. It also has to do with believing in yourself. As a person and an achiever. Once you've circled the goals that you know you want to achieve the next step is the hardest. Getting started. Getting started on your dream is tricky. This is usually due to a lack of self-confidence and a support network. If there is something that you really want to accomplish, tell someone. Tell someone that you know will be supportive, a co-worker, colleague, teacher, significant other, friend or family member. Once it is out in the open and there is someone that will hold you accountable for this goal it makes it much easier to get started and continue.

Achieve It
Achieving your dream will take a considerable amount of time depending on what it is. The best approach to achieving any dream is to make it SMART. Make it SMART means to make it SPECIF, MEASURABLE, ATTAINABLE, REALISTIC and TIME-LIMITED. Let's look at this a little closer:

SPECIFIC - Have an exact goal in mind. For example, your goal could be that you want to become a Medical Doctor.

MEASURABLE - You should be able to evaluate your progress in achieving your goal along the way. For example, in becoming a Medical Doctor, you would be able to evaluate your progress based on the schooling that you complete.

ATTAINABLE - Make sure this goal is something that you really want and you are willing to work for.

REALISTIC - You should not choose a goal that you are not suited for. For example, you should not choose to be a pediatrician if you despise children.

TIME-LIMITED - Set a time frame for this goal. DO NOT make it open-ended. This makes it much more difficult to achieve. If you want the become a Doctor, plan it out and see exactly how much time it would take and base your goal around that.

If you take a SMART approach to your goals, there is nothing that you can not accomplish.


Article Source: [,-Believe-It,-Achieve-It.


Personal Development
By -Olu Jatto

The American dream involves success in one way or another. A successful person either has the home, the car, the family, the yard or some other measuring stick for how they think life should be. In order to achieve success, however, one must first know what will make them feel successful. Once they have that, they must then figure out how to reach that pinnacle. Though it sounds relatively simple, many Americans struggle with the concepts of goal-setting and achievement. For this, they have the option to turn to motivational speakers for training and development.

Many people and techniques can fall within the "motivational" category. It can be as involved as hypnotherapy and hypnosis, or as simple as sitting down and reading a book. Whatever the game plan, motivational speakers such as Anthony (Tony) Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Jack Canfield and Earl Nightingale have contributed their own thoughts on the best ways to form and achieve goals.

When you look at the teachings of these individuals as a group, there are many similarities to be seen. However, individually, there are some interesting contrasts that seem to separate the sensational from the commonsensical. Anthony Robbins and Jack Canfield celebrate extensive monetary and cultural success, along with personal drama such as divorce and family estrangement. Zig Ziglar and Earl Nightingale, however, experienced moderate success but appeared to maintain a healthy family life. The difference between these two groups: the latter infused their philosophies with Christianity, while the former did not.

Anthony Robbins has built a media empire on the foundation of 'personal power,' which he describes as the ability to take action. Anthony Robbins' power theory is his explanation for why some people are successful and others are not; namely, that successful people who achieve greatness do so because they take action. Anthony Robbins' personal power offerings include Anthony Robbins books and Anthony Robbins CD collections with titles such as, Unlimited Power: The New Science Of Personal Achievement and Awaken, The Giant Within. Live With Passion!, The Power To Shape Your Destiny. He has also explored neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) training as a method for teaching people how to duplicate the successes of others in their own lives.

Anthony Robbins showed his ability to take action when he chose to divorce his first wife, Becky Robbins, after nearly 15 years of marriage. In the same year his divorced was finalized, he married his second wife, Sage Robbins. After the fact, he developed a program called Ultimate Relationship Program, despite some negative feedback from fans and critics alike. When he spoke on Larry King Live, Anthony Robbins' quotes on the topic included his reflection on loving vs. being loved:

"I think everyone wants to be loved, whether everyone wants to love is a part of emotional maturity."

 Jack Canfield, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series of books, had his own personal challenges. Despite his ability to reach out and touch millions of people worldwide with messages of inspiration and hope, he found himself in two divorces and the subject of a book his son wrote which cast doubt on the legitimacy of "self-help" media. Though Canfield identifies himself as a Christian and incorporates spirituality into many of his texts, specific excerpts or quotations from the bible are not found.

Decades prior, Zig Ziglar and Earl Nightingale laid down the foundation for motivational speaking with noteworthy titles such as Ziglar's See You at the Top and Nightingale's, The Strangest Secret. In both cases, examples or citations were taken from the Bible and infused into their text somehow, seeming to indicate the importance of Christian text to their motivational endeavors. Likewise, both gentlemen remain with their first wives.

Is the Bible required for a motivational speaker to maintain success in his professional and personal life? The hard evidence isn't in this text, but it's something to consider. [] is known for its leading niche ebooks, Audio CDs, DVDs in Personal development, Mind & Body, Business Strategies, Sales Training, Wealth Building, Classics titles and DIYs. We provide valuable information on several topics in different mediums to suite varied life styles in one convenient and friendly community. We stock over 217 ebooks and over 100s in audio Cds titles. We also give our customers the opportunity to earn extra income over and over again when they join our affiliate programme. Visit us today and claim your FREE GIFT.

Article Source: [,-Jack-Canfield,-Zig-Ziglar-and-Earl-Nightingale.