Thursday 31 March 2011


By-Joseph Kernozek

"If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it." - Jesse Jackson

About Jesse Jackson
Jesse Jackson was born on October 8, 1941 and is an American civil rights activist and Baptist minister. Rev. Jackson has participated in many activist marches and demonstrations over the past 45 years. He has given many speeches on civil rights both in the United States and around the world. He was also a presidential candidate in 1984 and 1988.

Conceive It
There are three parts to this motivational quote and each should be examined separately. The first is to conceive the idea, goal or dream. Most of us can easily recall the dreams of our childhood, but it is much harder to think of what we are working towards now. No matter what your age you should always have some goal or dream that you strive for.

If you cannot think of what you want out of your life off the top of your head (or even if you can) I suggest you sit down by yourself for a little while, take out a pen and paper and write down everything you've always wanted to do, no matter how silly it seems now. After you have written your list go back through it and circle the ones that you still want for yourself.

Believe It
The next part is believing. Believing in it involves more than just believing in the dream itself. It also has to do with believing in yourself. As a person and an achiever. Once you've circled the goals that you know you want to achieve the next step is the hardest. Getting started. Getting started on your dream is tricky. This is usually due to a lack of self-confidence and a support network. If there is something that you really want to accomplish, tell someone. Tell someone that you know will be supportive, a co-worker, colleague, teacher, significant other, friend or family member. Once it is out in the open and there is someone that will hold you accountable for this goal it makes it much easier to get started and continue.

Achieve It
Achieving your dream will take a considerable amount of time depending on what it is. The best approach to achieving any dream is to make it SMART. Make it SMART means to make it SPECIF, MEASURABLE, ATTAINABLE, REALISTIC and TIME-LIMITED. Let's look at this a little closer:

SPECIFIC - Have an exact goal in mind. For example, your goal could be that you want to become a Medical Doctor.

MEASURABLE - You should be able to evaluate your progress in achieving your goal along the way. For example, in becoming a Medical Doctor, you would be able to evaluate your progress based on the schooling that you complete.

ATTAINABLE - Make sure this goal is something that you really want and you are willing to work for.

REALISTIC - You should not choose a goal that you are not suited for. For example, you should not choose to be a pediatrician if you despise children.

TIME-LIMITED - Set a time frame for this goal. DO NOT make it open-ended. This makes it much more difficult to achieve. If you want the become a Doctor, plan it out and see exactly how much time it would take and base your goal around that.

If you take a SMART approach to your goals, there is nothing that you can not accomplish.


Article Source: [,-Believe-It,-Achieve-It.

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