Thursday 31 March 2011


Charles Lauste

Be positive: The first to step t being successful is being positive. You must have a positive outlook on life. If you constantly frowning and always thinking negative thoughts then that's all you will attract. On the other hand if you choose to set yourself with a positive attitude and stick with it.

Be on time: If you are expecting to be successful you must be on time. Being punctual is a skill that you must require. It's not rocket science by any means it just requires you to get more organized and stick to a set schedule.

Be prepared: You must be prepared! This carries on from the point above. You have to prepare yourself for the task in hand. An example is if you had a marathon to run, you would put n the time to train and prepare yourself for that marathon right? It's the same principles with being successful, you prepare yourself mentally and physically, you will see much more positive results if you are prepared.

Work a full day: Now I say work a full day, what I mean is dedicate bundles of energy in blocks of time on the task in hand. It sounds complicated but it's really simple. You just need to arrange you self and schedule yourself so that you can devote, 2 hours of complete energy on the task and blitz it. If you have to clean the house for instance, but you know you only have 3 hours to get done. Get on with it for as long as you can in those three hours. If you want to do some self-development, don't do it at work at lunchtime, make the time to sit down and read for 1 hour, 2 hours, however long you want, just set chunks of time to each task and pay massive attention to the task when doing so.

Know your demographics: It is important to know your demographics. This is where a lot of people fail in the business adventures. They fail to know the demographics, the people they are targeting. You must know exactly what and where you are trying to target, is it a certain age range? Female, male, Marriage status these are a couple of examples of demographics, the niggle bits of your market that you have to get to grips with. It represents a fundamental approach to the understanding of what and who you are relating to.

Maintain your positive state of mind: This is one the key points from the 8 steps to success. Maintaining you attitude is vita. If you can't get to grips with this step then I'm afraid to say you're in for a bumpy ride! You must remember that not every day is going to be Rosie and peachy with no errors or mistakes or unfortunate circumstances. The point is if you let these negative things spoil you attitude then they will. Block them out and maintain a positive attitude. If you walking you dog and it's raining, just by chance you step in some dog crap, it really puts the cherry on the cake I know! But try and put that feeling of anger and frustration aside and maintain your attitude. You have a nice dog witch you can walk with in fresh air, Focus on the positives not the negatives.

Know what you doing and why. It is so easy to get wrapped up in your work or your business that you can neglect the real reasons what you're working so hard. For instance if you are trying you hardest to have a successful company, one of the main reason behind that is so you and you family can financially set to do what you wish and not have to worry about money. If you work so hard all the time you will neglect you reason, you purpose, your motive. If you're working in a shitty job that you don't really like then think of your why, are you there for a reason, is it good money? If you why dost align with what you're doing then you need to change you plan.

Take Control. It is important that you take control of your life and you actions If it's at work, take control, don't let other people get ahead of you, your just as good, just need to take more control. If its sales you're working in, take control of the situation, don't be told what to do by the customer, take control of you future. You must recognize that you are the key holder for your own future; If you take control of you mind and you actions then you will succeed. People like confident people. Yes there are people out there that won't like you but so what, there are more people in the world that will like you than there are that won't.

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