Ugo Julie
There are things that if you do them, rules that if you abide by them you'll surely make money. They have been the only rules for ages; well sometimes more things are added. But they'll never change. These are the great principles of wealth. They are not secrets per say. You know secrets are what others do not know about or something that few people know about. But these have been known for years.
They are the undisclosed ways to making money. But like I said it is not so covert, in fact it is very open anyone can do them to become a millionaire. The secret of money are not really secrets. It has been taught for ages. They are still being thought. People are not taking them to heart and acting on them, so we are revisiting them. They are:
1. Discipline: You need to be disciplined if you plan to acquire wealth. Let's see an analogy of discipline. Well, I guess one definition is being strict with yourself. You know why discipline is important for a child or teenager, don't you? It's to keep them in line. It's to stop them getting out of hand - getting away with too much. Also, you discipline your children out of love, and not because you enjoy the power-trip (I hope!). Often, you hate to discipline your kids because it spoils their immediate gratification and enjoyment, doesn't it? But you do this because the long-term benefits and rewards vastly outweigh the immediate greedy, thoughtless and short-term gratification of their desires.
The same way with you. To make money and acquire wealth you have to apply discipline, you have to delay gratification, save some money for investment and not finish it on a shopping spree. You see where discipline comes in. Correct? I think so. So another definition of discipline might be 'gratification postponement.' Not eating the whole bowl of jelly right now. Eating some and saving the rest for the next few days. Not because it's 'naughty' to eat all the jelly.
2. Dream: Have a dream about what you want to do, be and do. John Updike says our dreams do come true if not nature will not incite us to have them.
3. Have a goal: Setting a goal helps you to know what you want to do. Without a goal, you won't get anywhere; you need to know where you are going and how you are going to get there.
4. Take action: Of course it's important to work hard by taking action. Else all your goal setting and planning will be in vain. As the Holy Book says, faith without good works is futile so planning without action will keep you poor.
5. Be Generous: To your self and others. You have heard the saying that it is more blessed to give and to receive. A generous purse is always filled with of money
6. Believe in yourself: of course you need to have faith in yourself to make this work. Have a high level of self-worth, self-respect and self-confidence.
7. Never give up: No matter the bumps on the roads. That's where the miracle lies, in perseverance. As Winston Churchill said: The secret of success is in 6 words- Never, ever, ever, ever give up.
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