Wednesday 4 May 2011

How To Receive By Giving

How To Receive By Giving
By Mike Lucero

If you want to learn how to receive by giving, a part of the law of attraction, then you'll want to read this article.  In it we'll discuss what you should give, about giving generously, and about giving without expecting to get anything in return.

We've all heard about karma.  Did you know that there is a law of giving and receiving?  Call it the law of Karma if you want to but it's about getting in return what you dish out.  Karma is usually associated with someone who does something bad, illegal, unethical, or simply just mean.  But, did you know that you could use the law of karma in your favor?

You see the law of karma states that when you give something that you can expect that same thing in return.  So if you punch someone in the head you can eventually expect to get punched in the head.  If you steal money from someone, again you can expect someone to steal from you.

How do you know what to give in order to receive?

Here's how it works.  Give something that you want to receive.  If you would like people to like you and be your friend, then you give friendship.  You just give it away without expectation of receiving anything in return.  If you want love then you give love away.  If you want money then give some of your money away.  Simply give it away without expecting anything in return.

Give whatever you hope to get in return away openly and freely.  I don't mean to say that you should give your money away in front of the whole world for everyone to see.  But, give it away openly - just do it without thought of who may be watching you.  Give it away freely without thought or expectation of getting it back.  Because you won't get it back immediately.

Be generous with your giving.  Look if you only have $10 in your pocket but you know someone who could use $10, other than yourself, then just give it away - what can you do with $10 anyway.  Don't put yourself in a position where you'll be walking to work if you give that $10 away, unless you live close to work and you could use the walk.

I'm not telling you to give away your last dime.  I am telling you to give from your own abundance.  You'll know what that means.  Don't give you rent payment away, don't give food out of your children's mouths.  Simply give out of your abundance - don't tell me you have nothing to give.  You'll find a way to give even if it's just one or two dollars at first.

I remember growing up my father was a very generous man.  When someone would come to visit he always offered them something to eat, even if it was simply beans and potatoes.  He was giving out of his abundance.  He had enough!  To this day he has more now then he's ever had.  He will be 80 this year and he just told me the other day that he makes more money now then he ever has.  He has always been very generous and nobody around him ever needed anything.  He helped a lot of people.  Sure he got burned a few times, but karma always came back around.

Practice giving even if it's just giving someone the appreciation and respect that they deserve.  You'll get it back - it's part of the law of attraction.  You have to give to receive.

Start using the law of attraction to draw money, soul mate, job, and more from the universe. Click on the following link to discover quick easy steps.

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