Wednesday 4 May 2011

How to Make a Lot of Money and Get Rich Quick by Applying the Secrets of the Rich

How to Make a Lot of Money and Get Rich Quick by Applying the Secrets of the Rich
By -Ajaero Tony Martins Ifeanyi

In this article, I intend to be very blunt and that's why I titled this article "How to make a lot of money and get rich quick by applying the secrets of the rich." No sentiment or resentment. It is strictly written for those who desire to be rich. Follow this advice and you are on your way to becoming rich.

I decided to outline seven action steps you must follow if you want to make a lot of money and get rich quick. Now what makes me so sure of these steps and what proof do I have that the steps work? Well, I can confidently say this is the exact formula applied by the Ultra rich people.

People such as Bill Gates, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett, Larry Ellison, Oprah Winfrey, Debbi Fields, Mary Kay Ash, Robert Kiyosaki and Martha Stewart have become ultra rich by applying this same formula. It is this same formula I am also applying because it has been tested and proven by these great men and women.

How to make a lot of money and get rich quick using the secrets of the rich:

1. Make up your mind to be rich:

This is the very first step to take if you want to get rich quick. It is one on the secrets of the rich. You must make up your mind to become rich; though it shouldn't be your primary aim. Now why do I emphasize you must make up your mind to be rich?

"I always knew I was going to be rich; I don't think I ever doubted it for a minute." - Warren Buffett

"I intend to be the richest man in the world." - Howard Hughes

I am emphasizing this because getting rich begins with the right mindset. If you don't believe you can get rich, you can't. You must develop the mindset of the rich. You must think big. You must see life as a game which you must play to win. You must be willing to take risk with both your money and borrowed money. You must be willing to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes as fast as possible. In all, you must think like the rich.

"Money is just an idea." - Robert kiyosaki

"The biggest challenge you have is to challenge your own self doubt and your laziness. It is your self doubt and your laziness that defines and limit who you are." - Rich Dad

2. Discover your Passion

After making up your mind to become rich. After you've worked on your mindset. The next thing you need to do is to discover your passion. What do you love doing? What interests you? What's your hobby? Do you have any special skill or talent?

This is the time to do a little soul searching to find out your strengths. Take out a piece of paper and make a list of those things you love to do. I emphasize on passion because you can never get bored doing something you love doing. If you don't love it, it's not your passion.

"It is not really work if you are having fun." - Pierre Omidyar

"Passion is what keeps you going when the going gets tough." - Warren Buffett

3. Research and see if your passion can be of help to other people

The next step to getting rich quick is to carry out a preliminary research to see if there are other people who share the same interest with you. You will also have to find out if your passion can be of service to other people. If there are enthusiasts of your passion but they aren't willing to pay for it, then you must abandon that passion and look for another. I know as humans, we are passionate about several things. If a market exists for your passion, then it is time to go to the next step.

4. Draw up a plan

Another secret of the rich is this; the rich operate on plans. The poor don't. This means that things do not just happen for the rich, they planned for it. So at this stage, you have to draw up a plan of your life. Not just a plan to get rich but a plan of how you want to run your life. This is very important because a plan will help you identify opportunities and threats to your plan of getting rich. If you are really serious about getting rich, then create a plan and stick to the plan.

"In order to be a player on the fast track, you will need to have a plan on how to gain more and more control. On the fast track, it is control, more than money that counts." - Rich Dad

5. Build a business around your passion

This is the real key to getting rich quick. It is one of the open secrets of the rich. It is the same secret Bill Gates, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs and other extremely rich individuals used to get rick. It is the same secret I am also applying. After you have discovered your passion and drawn a plan. The next step is to build a business around that passion of yours. It has to be your passion so that you will never be bored doing it. If you don't build a business around your passion, skill or talent, then you are not going to get rich quick.

Bill Gates, Lawrence Ellison, Steve Jobs discovered they were fascinated about computers and they built a business around it. Oprah Winfrey discovered her passion for speaking and talk shows; she built a business around it and became the world's richest black woman. Robert Kiyosaki discovered his passion for teaching and built a business around it. Larry Page of Google and Jerry Yang of Yahoo were youths when they discovered their passion for the internet and they built a business around it.

If these successful entrepreneurs can do this and become rich, why can't you? You don't need to re-invent the wheel, all you have to do is follow this proven strategy of getting rich and you will become rich.

"The richest people in the world build networks; everyone else is trained to look for work." - Rich Dad

"If you want to be rich, you need to be a business owner and an investor." - Rich Dad

6. Serve more and more people

After building a business around your passion, you need to figure out a way of affecting more lives with your business. You need to serve more and more people. The more people you serve, the more money you will make and the richer you become.

"The major difference between a big business and a small business is the number of customers the business can handle." - Rich Dad

7. Stick to the process

This is the most important secret of the rich. After going through the stages listed above and you fail to obey this one, everything you have done will be in vain.

You must be willing to put in the required effort and commitment in building your business. It is not going to come easy but the reward is worth it. You are gong to face challenges, you are going to be on the verge of giving up but don't. One thing I want to let you know is this; if you follow the action steps I am sharing here, you will get rick quickly but not overnight.

"In the course of building a business, the process is more important than the goal."

"You can always quit so why quit now."

I hope I have been able to reveal to you the secrets to getting rich quick; the same secrets used by the rich. Till I come your way again with more informative articles, think business.

Ajaero Tony Martins is a serial entrepreneur, investor and a prolific blogger. He blogs about his entrepreneurial experience and provides hard core strategies for []
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