Wednesday 4 May 2011

You Are Fat Because You WANT TO Be!

You Are Fat Because You WANT TO Be!
By-Connie Huft

Incensed? Or truth?

I don't think anybody woke up one day and said; "I would like to be fat, I think I will stuff myself silly, so my pants won't fit, I will have to purchase two seats on a plane, and drive those silly carts at Walmart."

No, but in this day and age of political politeness, and social sensitivity, we hesitate to intervene on a loved one's behalf because of their obesity, or be truthful with ourselves. Sad, that we are "so sensitive" to people who are committing slow, torturous suicide. You know, Dr. Phil became famous for his direct, confrontational, brutal honesty, and common sense-somewhere fame has taken him far from that place, and his message just doesn't seem to ring as true in this day and age. Watered down truth doesn't help anybody. Wouldn't brutal truth with your loved on and yourself be a refreshing approach?

Look at your actions - you know if they are wrong, if not get educated.
Align your ideals with your actions-this takes concerted effort, and time.
Uncomfortable people don't like their lives, but you have to be pissed off, fed up, frustrated, and truly desperate before you finally decide to take action.
Your biggest problem is between your ears
Deluding yourself over portion size, and type of food is still going to kill you.
Liposuction and lap band surgery were created for uncomfortable people who refuse to take responsibility for their actions, Vacation resorts are built for people who aren't afraid to work, sacrifice and live life to the fullest. Surgery? Or vacation? Still your choice.
Fat, doesn't just happen, it took work, effort, time and money.
Experience remorse over your situation, and then FIX it!
When you find yourself in a hole stop digging!
Plan to fail, or fail to plan, same outcome.
Ignorance is Not Bliss, Excuses are Evil and Denial is still not a river in Egypt!

An intervention of honesty and truth can be painful, but it is always a precursor for change and a better way to live. Give yourself that gift today. Take inventory, take action, get what you want and deserve out of life. We keep ourselves prisoner when we fail to be honest. The shame and guilt do not allow us to spread our gifts to an aching world. Hiding behind frumpy clothes never allows us to fulfill our purpose and destiny-radical honesty, radical change equals a triumphant life!

By Connie Huft, RN Need a complete Core Metabolic Profile? Enter to win a comprehensive metabolic check-up with The Diet Nurse at [].
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